What are YOU growing this year ?

Empty supermarket shelves

What are you personally doing to break your dependence on the broken global food production and supply systems ?.

  • Grow your own food
  • Change lawns, cobble, decking to no dig growing
  • Use derelict brown City sites for no dig growing
  • Relearn the preserving and  storage skills our past families had.
  • Look at what you are eating and be aware of its dangers : salt without minerals, sugar in everything, carbs laden on protein for no reason, additives to make artificial flavours, chemicals sprayed over foods and soils multiple times before harvesting, and during storage.

When we eat real food we need LESS food, protein:fats:fresh greens etc are far more nutritious – without carbs our bodies stop craving the trace elements they are missing .. we waste less too if we are personally responsible for our food, and what little we waste can go into the composting to create more soils