Farm Handbook makes interesting reading
Egg production figures for 2015
Total for UK 10,008,000,000 and still most in cages
type : 1965 : 2010 : 2015
Cage : 53% : 50% : 52%
Barn : 37% : 5% : 2%
Free R: 10% : 42% : 44%
Organic: – : 3% : 2%
If you seriously want to change things, and reduce the number of hens in cages – stop eating processed food, because that is where most is used – ready meals, biscuits, cakes, bread, you name it, you likely eat caged eggs sometime in the week.
We cannot produce Ten Thousand Million Eggs from free range birds in the UK – we do not have the land or the expertise.
Reducing the amount of processed food would also improve our nations health – double win.