Winter 2019/2020 – thank you all for your custom this season – will take orders again for next winter.
We now have a variety of Willow (and Balsam poplar) pegs for sale which can be sent mail order or collected from the farm.
(and some well established in pots, also for local sales)
Basket willows : Construction willow : Native willows (and Balm of Gilead, Balsam poplar, which is not a willow but can start in the same way and is highly vigorous)
Basket willows :
40p per rod (for pick up or plus postage)
Varieties : Flanders Red : Brittany Green : Packing Twine : Tri Norfolk. Packing Twine . Dark Dick . (may have a couple of others spare)
Eugenii 35p : is vigorous but not as massive as the Chinese, it is better for small constructions like domes and tunnels as well as lower hedging and tree hay
“Construction” biomass, tree hay Chinese willow : Chinese (Salix miyabeana)
35p per rod (for pick up or plus postage)
Native / Species Willows
Grey Willow
30p per rod (for pick up or plus postage)
Salix hybrids
35p per rod (for pick up or plus postage)
Balm of Gilead / Balsam Poplar
40p per rod (for pick up or plus postage)
Salix udensis
50p per rod (for pick up or plus postage)
Salix Udensis is a lovely shrubby vigorous willow, with very early catkins (already opening in Jan in Argyll) so one of the best for early bees in mild spring days, its branching and covered in soft strappy leaves that our sheep love, cut and come again all year, so really good for a fenceline hedgerow where the stock can help themselves from one side, and we can make tree hay from the other. It does not get very tall and thrives on being cut back.