Mapping species

kintaline nature inaturalist page of species

after too many years I have finally found something that allows me to map species I see here, recognises phone photos, and has a wonderful community of experts who help to identify what things are.

I am looking forward to adding to this resource day by day .. as it is July and good weather it is dominated by moths just now .. but will be so much else as well.

If you are in the area and would like to join in with surveying, photographing, mapping any species from the micro to the macro you would be very very welcome

check out the species list here  – Kintaline Nature project on inaturalist

Updated over time with other useful resources:

There are also other ways to record and learn about local species.
Argyll Biological Recorders database

Bats : Bats Conservation Trust

Hedgehogs : The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) including the Big Hedgehog map