Ducks go to bed wet every night as they prefer to stay on their pond as long as possible. They carry the water inside on their plumage, and settle down in their bedding. This is why its a really bad idea to keep chickens and ducks in the same house! Most folks do not want or need to muck out every time the birds get their bed wet. Thats fine – the first thing that ducks do in the morning is get themselves thoroughly wet and clean in their pond. For catching birds it is much better to be able to get to them from the top so they do not scoot past you — so the whole roof hinges from the front. This house is ideal for people who want to free range their waterfowl or can be used in conjunction with a pen like our flexible run panels or, for raising young birds needing more protection from the elements, our covered run. This covered run is also a great solution to any need to isolate or protect birds, like during Bird flu lockdown.
Poultry Houses : The Isis house for tall breeds of garden ducks.
This design evolved from the demand for a medium duck house, for all sizes of ducks, which is simplicity itself to muck out.
Ducks are the most delightful creatures, but are VERY mucky !!!
It is particularly suitable for taller breeds of ducks.
Bird access is via a pop hole with duck board ramp that is hinged to close the entrance.
The rear panel lfts off for easy clean-out.
The roof is hinged and can be raised to give further access.
Ample ventilation is provided in front and rear panels.
PRICE £445 Carriage £52.00 (delivery surcharges may apply to some locations)
Contact us to place your order or to ask more questions, we are happy to help.
Size: 36″ wide; 39″ High; 45″ deep
The number of ducks this holds depends on the breed but it is tall so is eminently suitable for Indian Runners, unlike many duck houses. It would take up to 15 Call Ducks, 10 Campbells, and 5 Saxony’s or Muscovies.
Using shavings, like Bedmax, Hemcore or Auboise its perfectly acceptable to top dress [add a little] the bedding for a while but its REALLY good to be able to get full access to the mucky mess when you do need to clean out. Hence the advantage of being able to take the whole side out of this model.
The Onduline roof is sheet timber mounted and hinged for access. Solid floor as standard. Pop-hole access for birds.
The Isis has lots of ventilation, vital for ducks, all secured with weldmesh netting.
Constructed with 12mm tongue and groove shiplap cladding on 38mm square framing. Dip treated in wood preserver that gives a mid brown finish.
The wire mesh used is 25mm square weldmesh, 16 guage ( 1.60mm thick )
All fixings and hardware are zinc plated.
Automatic door openers work with each model.
All prices include VAT
Contact us to place your order or to ask more questions, we are happy to help.
Isis : duck house for taller breeds of waterfowl

The best houses, designed for the birds, in quality materials, built in the UK, perfect for your garden and smallholding flocks of hens, ducks, turkeys, quail, rabbits in 2023