November notes

November is a month for


  • Charles Dowding youtube November
  • harvesting mulching and soil making materials 
    • Seaweed after the storms
    • Bracken as it dies back
    • Leaves as they fall from areas of surplus or needing cleared (leave in most places)
    • Pruning for next years kindling
    • Soft leaves can be folded over to crop and drop over beds
    • Last crop of dynamic accumulators before they die back for the winter
  • Weather varies from minus 5 to 15 with wind, rain and sunshine
  • Mulching beds, topping up with compost
  • Preserving : whatever is left from the Autumn of berries etc .. especially the likes of more fire cider to keep winter colds at bay, and drying the last herbs as you tidy beds up
  • The Aurora borealis and Milky way 
  • Bulb planting .. often some very good deals in the latter part of the month as suppliers need to displenish the years stock. Even more in early Dec. Get them in quick and they are fine. Plenty edibles and valuable earlier pollinators, they are just a joy too.
  • Dividing perennials, remember to offer plants to others, especially local schools, pot some up for plant sales next year 
  • Taking cuttings
  • Sowing seeds, especially for polytunnel: broad beans, winter salads
  • Making bacon, sausages, charcuterie 
  • Enjoy local Winter festivals supporting your local businesses, local community volunteers, and time with loved ones
  • Giving thanks for the year, season, friends and family
  • Preparing for Yuletide festive season : buy from individual creative artists, local small businesses, 
  • Black Friday.. only buy if its something you have been planning, and it really is a bargain.