Erica Donnison will be back with us from the 14 – 18 November : She is both our Alexander technique teacher as well as being a Tellington Ttouch teacher for horses & riders. – please let me know what days suit you best.
She will be teaching AT on Monday; Tuesday; Thursday and Friday – and TT at Tullich on Wednesday.
Alexander Technique is such a powerful technique, yet so gentle.
Over the last 10 years we and others in the local area have found benefits for
- stress
- back pain
- fibromyalgia / ME
- hypertension
- musical performance
- teaching performance
- physical occupations
- theatre performance
- sports performance – especially running & riding
- arthritis
- post operative recovery
- effective use
Alexander technique helps you understand how you are using your body, gives you strategies to undo harmful bad habits, and replace them with good use that helps to prevent us putting the stresses and strains that then become pain and incapacity.