It’s not just woodland

We have several land management routes to support ourselves and our ecosystems into the future.
Creating Living Larders that can happen on a micro community level as well as on commercial agriculture / estate level will change our food ecosystems as well as creating massive carbon sequestration.
Repairing our soil biosphere : by many means including no dig gardening, forest gardens, regenerative agriculture and trees mixed is best.
Improving grasslands by regenerative livestock and no till agriculture that also gives us a lot of high quality low input protein, greens, etc as well as moving away from fossil fuel dependence for arable crops : chemicals, plastic, machinery, energy for drying, shipping, processing. As well as high dependence on water for irrigation.
Mixed woodland also gives us fruit, nuts, herbs, greens, vital mychorrizal activity that releases the as well as creating new micro habitats that allow more food species to be grown
The grasslands are the biggest carbon sink, the woodland the most long term stable.
We need all these, alongside the renewable energy, the reduction of plastic use and waste, and investment in innovation to find new solutions.. and each of us can do something to help right here, right now.