Poultry Scotland – information pages only nowadays, we no longer breed, so have none of these hatching eggs available.
We are still raising Muirfield Black Rocks, and their Brown Rocks, Grey Rocks, and a Light Sussex strain made up of several lovely old lines. Pullets available through the year, day olds and growers to order.
In the past few decades we created and maintained a wonderful utility poultry and waterfowl breeding flock, made up of different breeds, selected for high quality productive features. We were one of only a few maintaining these standards then and sadly very few breeders are interested in the hard work that this requires these days.
Poultry keeping advice
- Light Sussex
- Marans
- Orpington
- Plymouth Rock
- Rhode Island Red
- Scots Greys
- Scots Dumpies
- Welsumer
- Leghorn
Domestic Ducks
- Abacot Ranger
- Aylesbury
- Blue Swedish
- Call ducks
- Campbell
- Indian Runner
- Magpie
- Muscovy
- Orpington
- Silver Appleyard
- Welsh Harlequin