Perennial Onions

There are so many delicious perennial onion species that provide year on year abundance

  • Ransoms – garlic
  • Welsh Onion (actually Welch-foreign-Onion, not from Wales) Allium fistulosum– a perfect hardy perennial spring onion, keep snipping, and drying all season
  • Chives
  • Babbington Leeks
  • 3 cornered leek
  • Walking Onions –
  • Perennial Onion – Allium cepa – produces an onion tiller of about 10 or 12 onions the size of a leek. It is edible in its entirety, not just the leaves

Cropping is different as they do not store in the same way as “improved” onions, some are cropped as green and dried, some are left in the ground over winter. The leaves, bulbs and flowers are all used, with a range of delicious flavours. 
Most are Allium species, highly attractive to bees and other pollinators

Perennial vegetables are so important in regenerative food growing, as there is minimal soil disturbance, the green material builds more soils and helps water retention, deeper roots access mineral sources, less time and effort,