Our lovely Muscovies at breakfast time . These birds are wonderful ducks, different from most of our domestic breeds who are derived from the wild mallard. The Muscovy comes originally from South Africa, is a big, strong, muscular bird.
Most of these are part of our 2018 hatch. Muscovy Mums are really effective, one of our girls was a significant over achiever, hatching and raising 20 youngsters all on her own.
These ducks are one of our working breeds : they lay delicious eggs, they are good meaty ducks, range over acres of grazing and to various ponds at liberty, most are shut in at night (some of them chose not to!!) and morning feeding happens over various parts of our grazing that needs to be conditioned. We are experimenting with working them over strimmed rushes to see if their extra nitrogen deposits will help counter these, and encourage better species of vegetation.
We have spare birds for sale : either as breeding birds, laying birds, or eating birds.