Bees : a lot to learn

We are very much at the beginning of our journey to learn more about bees : both the wild ones, and how to keep Honey bees here.
As we are in a big planting phase, it is important to keep in mind our future plans as we go, so we are learning lots.
Here are a few resources we have picked up so far.
Some of us are interested in Bees : wild ones, keeping for honey, as pollinators, and also planting for attracting. (personally I am at the beginning of the learning curve, so really hoping there are others with experience here to share)
Here are a few resources that can help us learn more. Scottish Native Honey Bee Society : new organisation to encourage the keeping of the Scottish Native Honey Bee Apis mellifera mellifera. (in early 1900’s most of these were decimated by a disease and to populate hives subspecies from Europe were brought in to the UK. There are increasing efforts to re-populate Scotland with the Native Honey bee, and local bee keepers are aiming to be in the forefront of this.
Other than the obvious attraction they are also usually more docile than other strains, and they are far hardier for our varied climate. Scottish Beekeepers Society
has lots of information, membership includes insurance for public liability etc, separate members area on website. Oban Beekeepers group
monthly meetings in the winter and summer activities for beginners and experienced. Secretary is Nigel Mitchell * Lochaber Beekeepers group – a course happening there starting in May

Identifying British Bumble bees Bombus spp

