the start of Youtube collections, not in order ! nor are they complete, will be adding more always.
- Permaculture Youtubes
- Regenerative Youtubes
Holistic management Youtubes
Worms Youtubes
Soils Youtubes
Mealworms Youtubes
Tree hay youtubes
Bees Youtubes
Food Forest Youtubes
No Dig Youtubes
Rewilding Youtubes
McMaster faecal test Youtubes
Alternative fibre Youtubes – nettle, flax
Old Skills you tubes
Scything youtubes
Trees and Wood youtubes
Fruit veggies herbs youtubes
Butchery Youtubes
Bacon sausages hams youtubes
Rebecca Hosking vimeo – A farm for the future
Rebecca Hosking Village Farm
Local Mob Grazing farm (An Sailean, Lismore) : Winter : Spring : Summer :
article on Knepp Castle Estate extensive regenerative agriculture
Knepp Castle Estate
Fodder browse article
Mob Grazing Scotland – MGS first meeting – MGS on Facebook
Youtubes : MGS meeting : Tall Grass Grazing :
Innovative Farmers page
Other facebook pages : Regenerative grazing group – Holistic management in UK – Old Time Farming and Poultry –
Nature Friendly Farming Network,
Soil Association,
Landworkers’ Alliance,
Pasture for Life
ORFC – Oxford Real Farming Conference
Guilds workshop Prezi Toby Hemmingway
Literature – [Amazon book links]
Essence of Permaculture A summary of permaculture concept and principles taken from Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren.
Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles Poster Copyright